04 febrero 2010

The Executizer: ponte en forma mientras trabajas sentado en tu escritorio

Gag de la genial película Bananas, escrita, dirigida e interpretada por Woody Allen en 1971. (Para los castellanohablantes, película muy recomendable de ver en versión original con subtítulos en español).

3 comentarios :

Unknown dijo...

l'm not suited to this job.

Where do l come off testing products?

Machines hate me.

l should be working at a job that l have some kind of aptitude for.

Donating sperm to an artificial insemination lab.

- Every day we gotta hear this.
- Why did l quit college?

Funny Commercials dijo...

Great post thanks for sharing it. I enjoyed reading it.

Alberto dijo...

Fielding Mellish (Woody Allen) is a product tester...

Fielding Mellish: Why did l quit college? I could've been something today!

Co-worker: What would you have been?

Fielding Mellish: I don't know. I was in the Black Studies programme.
By now, I could've been black.

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